Thursday Aug 18, 2016
Would society benefit from real-life superheroes?
Thursday Aug 18, 2016
Thursday Aug 18, 2016
In our favorite stories, the superheroes save the day and there's rarely any negative consequences. But is this rosy vision of a world with superheroes optimism run amok? In this episode, Rachel, Colleen, Matt, and Erin join Josh to ask if society would benefit from real-life superheroes. We ponder how the justice system could cope with Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth, if supervillains are an inherent problem where superheroes roam, and what day-to-day jobs superheroes would fill. After listening, you too will want to buy an ice cream bar from Mr. Freeze.
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
The Joker: Best DC villain or overrated character?
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Welcome back to BNQ! Episode 4 takes a "serious" look at the Clown Prince of Crime, the Joker. In his various incarnations on the page and the screen, the Joker has captured our imagination as he wrought havoc on Gotham City. But here at BNQ it is not enough to have a character study; we must ask a question! Is the Joker the best villain in all of DC Comics? We divide the discussion into two parts-the characteristics of the Joker and a comparison with other iconic DC villains. Come with us and we dance with the devil in the pale moonlight.
Thursday Aug 04, 2016
Are the Star Wars prequels redeemable?
Thursday Aug 04, 2016
Thursday Aug 04, 2016
It's the most maligned trilogy in all of Nerddom, but does it deserve its negative reputation? This week, Colleen, Matt, and Josh examine the Star Wars prequels. Are they actually redeemable movies? Listen for some interesting theories about what's really going on in these films.
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
What X-Men mutation would most ruin your life?
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
Thursday Jul 28, 2016
It's BNQ Episode 2! Come aboard the nerd train as we look at the mutations of the X-Men. Which mutation would most ruin your life? Here's a hint: Beast might not succeed as a cashier at Burger King. This week's panel of Josh, Matt, and Rachel break down the mutations for your listening pleasure.
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Which fictional universe do you most want to live in?
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Sunday Jul 10, 2016
Welcome to the first episode of BNQ: Big Nerdy Questions! In this episode we answer which fictional universe we'd most to live in. We discuss Star Wars, Star Trek, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and a few other universes. There's no way we could get every universe into one episode, so we'll revisit this topic again at a later date.