Thursday Oct 27, 2016
What is the best Treehouse of Horror story from The Simpsons?
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Truly this episode brings you to a disturbing universe. It's our first Halloween Special and we couldn't think of any better subject for our first special of any kind than the institution that is The Simpsons. Specifically, Josh P and Josh H look at Treehouses of Horror and bring you their picks for the best segments over the past twenty-plus years of comic frights. From a certain parody of a Jack Nicholson film to mascots come to life and everything in between, we invite you to join this Simpsons tribute as part of your Halloween festivities.
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
What happens if Anakin doesn't turn dark...and what if Obi-Wan does?
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
One of the best parts of nerd life is looking at your favorite franchise and asking the question, "What if?" In this week's episode, Colleen and newcomer Ed join Josh to tackle a great "what if" question from Star Wars. What if Anakin Skywalker never turned dark? What could have caused this change and how would it effect the Star Wars universe? Of course, we have to look at the yin to Anakin's yang and also examine the consequences of Obi-Wan Kenobi turning to the Dark Side. Get ready for a deep dive into the nooks and crannies of Star Wars as we put our best nerdy analytical minds to work on these counterfactual scenarios.
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Which Pokemon would you choose as a companion in The Elder Scrolls?
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
For lucky number 13, BNQ ventures into the world of gaming! Never fear, we still bring our quirky crossovers to the party. In this episode, Josh P, Matt, Rachel, and Josh H determine which Pokemon would make the best companion in The Elder Scrolls. Is Charizard a formidable foe in the Dwemer ruins? Is Snorlax too big to get into the buildings of Morrowind? Get ready for hilarious hijinks as two of most beloved gaming franchises combine in ways that nature and their respective developers never intended. If ever a BNQ will inspire a new mod, this is it.
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Which megavillain scheme really should have succeeded?
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Have you ever watched or read something and thought, "You know, that villain really should have won. His plan was foolproof. I don't think I buy the heroes pulling this one out." We know we have this realization from time to time, so we've tasked ourselves with identifying the times when megavillain schemes really should have worked. This week, Matt and Josh take down the deus ex machinas of our favorite franchises, including Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Batman, Fantastic Four, and The X-Files. As a bonus, find out why the band "Narcissistic Bastards" would take it all the way to 11!
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
What would you do if you had the Delorean for a day?
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
It's time (pun certainly intended) for the BNQ Panel to address one of the biggest questions not only of nerd culture but one of the largest "what ifs" of human existence. If given the power to travel through time (in this case using the totally rad Delorean), what would you do? Do you go to the past, and if so, do you go as an observer or to change the course of human events? Do you go to the future--and is it a one-way trip? Matt, Colleen, and Josh take on this question in our most thought-provoking episode to date.
Thursday Sep 22, 2016
Which US Presidents would you cast as The Avengers?
Thursday Sep 22, 2016
Thursday Sep 22, 2016
Imagine a world where you were an omnipotent movie producer who has decided to recast The Avengers with former US Presidents. Sure, it's unlikely, but it makes for a great topic for the 10th episode of BNQ. This week, Colleen, Matt, and Josh combine their nerdy credentials with their historians' training to produce this most unique mash-up. Find out why James Madison is like Black Widow without the leather catsuit and why William Henry Harrison and Andrew Johnson might soon hoist Mjolnir. When you have all this plus discussions of unsung hero Edith Wilson and the man, the myth, the legend that is Teddy Roosevelt, you know you're in for a treat.
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
What happens on a blind date in the Star Wars universe?
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Imagine if your favorite Star Wars characters had onilne dating accounts. Imagine further that you've arranged to meet one of these eligible scamps on a cantina on Coruscant. How does the blind date go? From promising dates with hero and heroines to terrifying encounters with stalkers like Darth Maul, Colleen, Matt, and Josh have you covered. Yes, these are the dates you've been looking for.
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
What is the best method of time travel?
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Thursday Sep 08, 2016
Welcome to the Fourth Dimension! It's BNQ Episode 8 and it's all about time travel. Across nerdy franchises and works, Matt, Colleen, and Josh determine which time-skipping method is the best of all. From Back to the Future to Doctor Who and from Harry Potter to Bradbury and Wells, we've got something for all time travelers out there. You might even say it's excellent. (Party on, dudes!)
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
What is the best Star Trek film? (Part II)
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
It's Part 2 of our Star Trek film discussion. The spotlight shifts from the Original Six to the TNG and Abrams films, but be forewarned, for this analysis comes with a complementary side of nerd rage and a dash of interesting trivia. At the end, Josh P and Josh H crown the gold, silver, and bronze films of the franchise.
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
What is the best Star Trek film? (Part I)
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
It's time to go where some podcasts have gone before. Our mission in this BNQ is to name the best Star Trek film. Josh P and Josh H tackle the first six of the Trek movies in this first half of the discussion. In this episode, we learn never to watch The Motion Picture after having LASIK and that the climax of Star Trek III is a bit like The Lion King. Listen next week for Part II where we discuss the TNG and Abrams films (minus Beyond) and make our picks for the best of the bunch.